Saturday, January 23, 2010

It hasn't stopped yet

After a night/day/night of rain.

The neighborhood kids took their tubes down to the park.

The 'lake' is spewing picnic tables!

This park is our usual 'frisbee' playground.
Hmmm, anyone for water polo?
More rain to come today. Hang on, Bessie!


Dog Trot Farm said...

If this makes you feel any less waterlogged the rain is heading our way for Monday. Heavy rain on top of 15 inches of new snow is not good news! Hang in, how long did it take Noah to build that ark?

Golden Woofs! SUGAR said...

Woof! Woof! Be Safe. Lots of Golden Woofs, Sugar

Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh, that's awful! I'm so sorry ya'll are getting so much rain - but the kids are having fun with it! heheheee

Anonymous said...

Yikes! Hope the house is staying water-tight. We have a return visit early next week.

Sam said...

Spewing picnic tables? That sounds scary.

Be safe and dry - I hope it's over with by now!

Banjo52 said...

Is this setting records for Phoenix area? My impression is that these extremes are more common in SoCal than in your desert city.

Unknown said...

I have been reading about all the rain. I was aware that SoCal had a lot but I didn't realize Arizona was hit so hard as well.