Saturday, March 27, 2010

Anticipating adventure

Adventure, here we come!!


Tash said...

Ah, joy!
Amy is getting her winter coat shaved off right now. She started to itch & scratch, so it's easier to get at the hot spots.

I was too lazy to look up the pink tree...I always regert when I do that. I'll let you know what kind it is, maybe Pasadena Adjacent will let me know.

Stella said...

Stella won't get an adventure, just a trip to the library!



Remington said...

Look out world! Adventure in the making!

Emma Rose said...

We love adventure!

Naturegirl said...

Now how hansome is that dude!
Brenda I am normally in AZ this time of year until April but because of earlier health issues had to stay here. It is wonderful to look back at your previous posts and see what I'm missing, love witnessing the desert in Spring...simply beautiful!
See you again..must keep in touch with what's happening there!

Anonymous said...

So, was the weekend everything it was cracked up to be?