Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Yarn tale

It started out simple enough. A skein of baby yarn being knitted into a child's blanket.
And then the adventure began...
 Across the living room
 Short cut across one doggy bowl...
Out the first doggy door...
 Across the backup water bowl....
 Shado thinks it went through the second doggy door...

 Out the second doggy door and across the patio...
 Through the second gate to the backyard....
Where it was discovered... in Sophie's mouth.
What a yarn of a tale!


Stella said...

Too funny! A nice little tour of your home too.

My mother used to crochet and sitting next to her was Murph, our little dog. She never noticed right away, because the yarn moved right along, but suddenly it would be very WET. I guess he just like the feel of it running through his mouth. Takes all kinds!



Banjo52 said...

I'm dizzy. And tired. But the dog wins, right?

Pat Tillett said...

She's got to be a brilliant pooch to mastermind a prank like that! BRAVO...

Kathy said...

Was it a little soggy by the time you found it?

MadSnapper n Beau said...

hard for me to type while ROFL. this is hilarious... i love happy funny doggy tales... whoo whoo you go Sophie

Tes said...

Aww, this post made me smile! So cute! :)

Thérèse said...

Toooo funny! Luckily you were not too far when this happened.
The same adventure happened to one of our kids in an armchair, I should find the picture and post it for you...

Pasadena Adjacent said...

leave knitting up to the professionals

PJ said...

She was just trying to help! Too cute! This reminds me of The Family Circus.