Monday, August 22, 2011

Morning mourning

"I used to call them morning doves, 
those birds with breasts the rosy color of dawn,
who coo us awake..."
(from After Reading Petersen's Guide by Linda Pastan)

Mourning Dove - Zenaida macroura
Common and widespread in many suburban and agricultural habitats. Usually in small groups. Forages mainly on the ground for seeds. Our most slender dove...

Song:  A mournful hooting ooAAH coo coo coo; often mistaken for an owl. Sometimes also a strong single 'pooooooo'.
(from The Sibley Field Guide to Birds of Western North America, 2003)

 But when the book said Mourning Dove instead, 
I noticed their gray ash feathers, 
like shadows on the underside of love.
( Linda Pastan)
 Each morning, our back yard is full of mourning doves. It is hard to mourn at the break of the day.
Their shadows are like the underside of love...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love to listen to them cooing, these are so sweet and look just like hours. we have 2 making a nest in the oak tree and they are hilarious. we watched her dig through the pine straw on the roof, looking for just the right one. she finally chose, after looking at 6 one that was bent on the end.

Anonymous said...

Such gentle creatures, with a lovely song. Only this year I learned the Hoooo-hoooo wasn't an owl.

Must think about "Their shadows are like the underside of love." It's a beautiful phrase, just the sound of it, alone.

RoeH said...

I love those little guys. In the winter time when I can keep the windows open during the nights, that's the first sound that wakes me up.

Stella said...

I love them, sweet looking, sweet voice, I'm sure they are kindness itself.

I don't hear them anymore but when I am outside and see them perched on the wires, I coo-coo at them and I am sure they answer me back!



Kathy said...

I think they must be quite fragile. Whenever I found a dead bird in my yard in Phoenix, it was always a mourning dove!

Unknown said...

They are beautiful.

Banjo52 said...

Linda Pastan can be very good, can't she. I think this is accurate: "In the war between dailiness and desire, let dailiness win." Maybe I'm forcing it, but doesn't that fit with these doves?

Full disclosure: I like their coo much better than their appearance. I've called them walking kidneys, gallump gallump, and people think I'm weird. (Again).

Thérèse said...

Great quotes to start the day!
Not too fond of doves because of what they leave behind when they leave...

Diane AZ said...

I love mourning doves. Around here they are known as "peaceful perchers." Beautiful images and quotes. :)

Unknown said...

Beautiful birds.

Rohrerbot said...

I like having them around in the garden.....unfortuneatly so do the feral cats:(

Pat Tillett said...

I love mourning doves! We had a pair that used to hang around our house for several years. Recently, there is only one...
Pretty sad! I know the bird doesn't feel lonely, but I feel lonely for it.