Friday, September 9, 2011

It's the style here

A few weeks ago, I visited the local Farmer's Market, with our dog Sophie in tow. Sophie is well behaved (or she wouldn't go!), and she likes to visit the lady with home-made jerky for dogs. Sophie is NOT a small dog; she is easy to spot and she does capture every child's eye. 

"So, your dog has great Grinch Toes". Two young girls approached me with this comment, and then asked to pet our dog. "She has the best Grinch Toes I have ever seen! It's the style now for dogs, you know,"  as the taller girl pointed to Sophie's feet.

Grinch Toes? 

While the girls petted the dog, I studied paws. Grinch Toes?  What the heck are Grinch Toes? 

(Very top photo & 2nd photo= Sophie's g.ts.
 3rd photo = Shado's gts
Gus' are next, as he reclines on dog bed.
Then Toby. He's not camera shy - stick my cute face in the snap!
Last, Gus and Shado modeling together) 

I think I have the picture now. 
Grinch Toes...

" And the Grinch, with his grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow, Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?"


Stella said...

I always say Stella has horse feets, but this is definitely the look she has. Grinch toes . . .OK!

Cheers and Hugs,


Kathy said...

Well, you are definitely more enlightened than I. I still don't know what they are!

Elaine said...

So if it ever snows in Arizona Sophie will be prepared!

Thérèse said...

All you needed was a child's view...
us (me) too...

Banjo52 said...

As usual, kids know everything . . .

Brenda's Arizona said...

I love that, Therese and Banjo! KIDS say the smartest things!

Anonymous said...

I had never heard this before today.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

never watched the grinch, so had no idea what the toe thing is, but it made for a very interesting photo shoot. i love dogs and all their sweet little grinch toes

Pat Tillett said...

Leave it to kids to come up with something like this! Now I'm going to look a every dogs foot I see.