Friday, September 25, 2009

Around campus, another day

I finally captured photos of two more of the Tignum signs on campus. Now I feel awkward about eating. Is Big Brother watching me? Maybe I need a power nap...

Maybe I shouldn't have had that brownie for dessert. Sigh...

This little bird house is hidden in the middle of campus. I often think that the new students should have to participate in a scavenger hunt. The bird house would have to be one of the 'finds!

I'd love to be 7 0r 8 years old and have this as a doll house.


Margaret said...

Well, I'm rethinking everything I've eaten in the last decade.

FA said...

What a great surprise it would be to stumble on to that bird house where one least expects it - on a campus!

Thanks for the reminder on good eating habits. I usually realize the effect of junk food too late - about two hours too late, as your sign points out!

Anonymous said...

I think our little mind control friends need an editor. You don't eat "because" you're not hungry, you eat in spite of the fact you're not hungry.

Anyway, I want the birdhouse.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Good point, Karin! I love the grammatical correction. Besides poet laureate, you should be our editor!

Delighted to see the birdhouse made impressions on you. I think I am the only human on campus who knows it is there... sigh.