Monday, December 21, 2009

But what is it?


Just what do you suppose she found???


Teresa Bitler said...

Looks like maybe she forgot something...

James said...

Who knows? It's a great picture though.

Carol said...

What a cute shot! This little girl is darling and you captured her at just the right time. The plant in my photo is Winterberry Holly. the Berries 'bloom' all winter. I was happy to find a splash of red in a bleak landscape...

Joanne Casey said...

she was at the dog park earlier and found a turd in her bag :-)

Anonymous said...

It's the check for her mortgage. She forgot to mail it.

SquirrelQueen said...

How cute is that? What a great expression. It looks like she found out that she forgot something.

The Road to Here

Brenda's Arizona said...

You all make me laugh! This young child is my niece. She is now 24 years old... I will see her on Christmas eve - maybe she will recreate the pose. None of us have any idea of what she was thinking... I esp. like the mortgage check idea, Karin! Boy, that would do it to you, wouldn't it? But Joanne's 'gift' from the dog park probably isn't far off.

Joanne Casey said...

I love it! :-)

Banjo52 said...

At the risk of being self-serving, she reminds me of the dimpled clog dancer on Dec. 23 Banjo52. But you've seen both--am I making it up?

Great shot--where preparation meets opportunity? Isn't that what they say luck is?