Cole is 17. This past July, he had a massive stoke. Yes, he was only 16.
He spent several months in the Wisconsin Children's Hospital - part of which was therapy time for him.
Now he is home, but therapy is still a full time job for him and his parents.
The latest on Cole can be read here, but the short story is, well, long. One eye at a time can be taped open. He has walked up to 63 feet with help from his dad, his nurse, and a walker. He just tried a few stairs...
Cole and his dad called us a few Sundays ago when we were at the Packers vs Cardinals football game. It was the game the Packers won. Cole left a long message for E. It was total excitement for us to hear his voice!! He said he has to read his sentences, so that means his reading comprehension is working.
Let me add one more piece to this child's life - Cole's best friend is Zach Reetz. Zach had a bout with meningitis and has gone though many struggles and experiences. Zach lost both his legs and part of his right hand to tissue failure. Please read about him. 16 year old kids shouldn't have these pathways to walk... especially when their tools to walk are denied to them.
Neither Zach nor Cole want sympathy. Neither want anyone to feel sorry for them. Both want challenges and people who believe in them. Please believe...
I worried about including Cole's photos here, but I decided to risk it. He's such a swell friend!
My heart goes out to these kids.
My father had a cardiac arrest that left him brain damaged. The medical powers that be said he'd never wake from the coma, that he was "gone" already. Well, he woke up. Then they said he'd never regain his memory. He regained all except a few months prior to the event. Then they said he'd never walk again. He walked.
Never underestimate the powers of the mind and spirit!
It's interesting and heartwarming to learn about these courageous young men. I wish them well. By the way, my husband grew up in Brookfield, WI where he used to launch model rockets.
Sorry, that was me, I was typing too fast. My comment was:
I'm glad you published this picture. I see so much beauty in this young man, mind, body, and spirit.
Yeah, there's nothing wrong with publishing his pictures. I don't feel sorry for him.
In fact, I think he's KICK-ASS.
Go get 'em, kid.
Thanks for bringing this to light. I marvel at people who overcome such adversity and who mean it when they say no sympathy. To you and Laurie, aside from religion, how do you account for people who have this kind of strength? I'm clueless and in awe.
B52- I have thought about the strength and attitude and pride and faith (in something) that people like Laurie's dad, my dad, Cole & Zach all have. I want to see if I can put it into words at some point... I am sure everyone has it in them, someplace.
Thank you for sharing, Brenda. I believe in the power of prayer and will pray for them. I am a cancer survivor I know how important it is to share our stories.
Please email me at , I have a print for you if you are still interested.
What brave kids. They're trying out new ultrascan technology here to detect problems with blood vessels in the head, hopefully to prevent strokes in some patients. Not a minute too soon.
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