Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Without words

Word can't always describe what is seen.

 Yesterday's sunset at the Riparian Preserve


Kathy said...

Wow! Pink has always been my favorite color and I'm especially fond of pink skies. Now I gotta add pink water to the list!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

you are soooo right, no words to describe this one. gorgeous is close. love the pink of the sky in the water, amazing shots and I love both of them, these would be nice printed and hanging on the wall.

Diane AZ said...

Oh yes, I love the gorgeous colors and birds. Great captures!

Julie Ferguson said...

I like the effect of the sepia color of the water with the birds standing in it. Cool pictures...

Thérèse said...

Unique colors at this time of the year.
It has nothing to do with it but when I look at your pictures I think "flamingos."

Brenda's Arizona said...

Flamingos work, Therese! The long legs, the pink... of course!

The water truly reflected the sky for nearly 30 minutes. I wonder what I miss on the evenings Sophie and I don't wander thru the ponds.

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

BEAUTIFUL! I'm so jealous of your birds and water and greenery! Lucky you! Lucky me, that you choose to share them!

Anonymous said...

That last one is simply elegant.

Angel said...

Very good photography :)

Barb said...

The scene was magical. I love that second reflection (with bent leg).

The Retired One said...


Banjo52 said...

Fantastic birds--egrets? cranes?

And to repeat the others, the VERY unusual water color--and gentle ripples--add to the elegance of it all. I looked up your Riparian once, and in my memory it looked like a bit of a drive from Mesa. Not so? So much for my memory, again.

Life Is A Road Trip said...

Very nice!

Sam said...

Beautiful pictures. Looks like it was a quiet, serene, and warm night. A far cry from our New York winter!

Elaine said...

Fantastic! The reflection of the sun on the water and the contrast with the white birds add up to two wonderful photos!

Mark Kreider said...

Very beautiful photography! Your quote of Mary Oliver struck a note deep within me. I must move my heavy feet as often as possible, the song is ephemeral but the magical places are etched in my memory.

Thank you Brenda.