Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Summer's respite

A temporary suspension of punishment; reprieve. 
a short period of rest or relief from something unpleasant  
an interruption in the intensity or amount of something 


Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Those pictures are definitely the definition of respite!

I'm glad you posted early! Between the lack of electricity and the dust storm (haboob???), I've been worried! The videos I've seen are SCARY!!!

I just can;t imagine...

Happy, Waggin' Tails, FUREVER!
Stumpy and me

Brenda's Arizona said...

Cyndi, haboob was a mess. Impressive, but not like we needed to be impressed.
Hope you are okay???

RoeH said...

Wherever that is, I want to bring a book and a cold drink and just listen to the quiet. Neat!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

that is what i felt when i walked out the door of the company i retired from 5 years ago Respite from something unpleasant and i would love to enjoy it in any of these places. beautiful

Banjo52 said...

That shade looks good, even though our weather has been decent (mid to upper 80s). I didn't hear about haboob. Should I google it? Wish I could remember all this stuff, at a gut level where it matters, from Dec. - March in Michigan.

Diane AZ said...

Oh, that looks like some kind of healing garden. How nice it would be to just sit on that bench in the shade of those trees for a while...

Anonymous said...

It's working. I'm getting respited.

Al said...

Lovely respiteful photos! Around here summer is a respite from the rest of the year, so no respite needed. We've hit 90 degrees once at my house so far this year, and I like it that way!

Barb said...

I enjoyed this "respite" with you.

Pat Tillett said...

Lovely photos! I feel much more relaxed now and I felt pretty good to start out with!
Wow that dust storm! Hope you are doing okay now.

Thérèse said...

Nice places for a time out after Dust sweeping! Everything I am wishing for right now.

Rohrerbot said...

I love the pics!!! I'm back finally....I missed not being able to I wrote on paper pads! And of course now I can read your posts again! That looks beautiful....perfect for a vacation after a vacation!:)

Saija said...

loving the respite pics!!! looks very peaceful and inviting ... good eye!