Thursday, April 14, 2011


Our rose garden has engulfed me. 
Anyone need a bouquet?


MadSnapper n Beau said...

roses are always good, and a wonder way to be engulfed. we are also engulfed in our jungle. the plant is a white bird of paradise, it is about 25 feet tall with fronds, Jake has one of the fronds on his back.

Kathy said...

And who wouldn't want a bouquet of these beauties!

Cyndi and Stumpy said...

Heaven's scent! Oh! I'd like to get lost in that!

I used to take cut flowers to the local rest and nursing homes. The residents loved them!

Anonymous said...

Oh you braggart! It's still too cold up here. All that's blooming is my Colette.

Janet said...


Barb said...

My hand is waving in the air!

Elaine said...

Oh, yes, I'll take some! We've still got over a foot of snow on the ground although it is melting slowly but surely, so nothing is blooming here yet. But give us another month and our long hours of daylight will make up for it.

Thérèse said...

It seems that there was no need to be afraid of the frost... roses are beautiful and plentiful it seems around the valley this spring!

Stella said...

Since we are expecting intermittent snow over this coming weekend (starting late tonight) a few roses might just cheer us up a little.


Unknown said...

beautiful Roses I especially love the Yellow.

Diane AZ said...

They are gorgeous! I don't see many roses blooming around here.

Banjo52 said...

Could I have some Greek food instead?

Brenda's Arizona said...

Snow? In April? Oh my...
Banjomyn - Greek food? Sounds yum, but why?