Friday, April 1, 2011

Tilted? shifted?

I am not one to freely experiment with Photoshop™ .  I tend to become overwhelmed...  and after a few minutes an hour or two, I realize I have forgotten my intended outcome. I tend to accept my photos "straight out of camera".

So a few weeks ago, I was captivated when I looked over E.'s shoulder and saw he was "photoshopping' a photo he took - and he was getting great results! Enbiggen any of these photos to see better.

Seattle harbor, from the Space Needle
This technique is called 'tilt shifting'. You 'create' a diorama-like photo of one of your own photographs. COOL!
Downtown Wautoma, Wisconsin

 I have wasted whole mornings 'creating' tilt-shift'-ed images from our old photos. Hours I could have been writing letters (ha!), cleaning house (haha!), walking dogs (sorry, guys!) or reading books (sigh).
Super Bowl Champions!!!
If you have Photoshop, or are just curious, take a second/hour to read the step by step procedural on tilt shifting.
If you have a great ideas - or photoshop addictions - post them in the comments. I find my brain always has room for one more tidbit - and the house doesn't need cleaning that badly.


Thérèse said...

The first miniature is awesome, perhaps because of the height the original was taken from. Number two would be the last one.
Have a nice weekend!

Thérèse said...

I can't try, I haven't had Photoshop for quite some time now.
I have to figure out how to deal with the change of computer, even with the photoshop upgrade I bought it does not work. I have to call to see what I can do...

tracy said...

That's a cool effect I have wanted to try but never gotten around to doing. Your photos look great!

MadSnapper n Beau said...

oh no, now i have something else to take me away from all the things you listed. i get so caught up in photoshop, half the day at a time disappears, this looks like something i can't wait to try. once I conquer a new thing in PS I do it until i get sick of it. then go on to the next. all these look great to me. will let you know if I learn it

Banjo52 said...

I've been curious about photo shop, but I spend enough time editing with Mac's iPhoto stuff that doing more seems a bad idea. Whaddya think?

Anonymous said...

I think the whole 'tilt-shift' thing is weird. I actually take a lot of pictures of models and dioramas, and I go to a lot of effort to NOT have the pictures look like miniatures. Now there are people trying to make real things look fake. Don't get me wrong-it IS interesting, but odd. Not odd enough for me not to make a few, though!


E said...


Photoshop has a lot of features. I don't understand a lot of them. No question I need to learn a lot more. I'm sure I could be making better use of it. But it is the best I've tried for the stuff I do. I can correct color, fix blemishes or remove scratches with great results. The few 'trick' pics I make, like tilt-shift or 'hypercolor' I learn from tutorials. PS is way better than iPhoto, but it depends on what you want to do.

Anonymous said...

Very cool.

I haven't tried photoshop. Looks like I should. I've been using picnic up to now.

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Heres a short cut to tilt shift. Photoshop is a monster program. I suggest taking a class at a local JC

Unknown said...

I do not understand this. I'm sure Madsnapper will tell me about it and I still will not know anything.