Friday, April 29, 2011

Unusual nose jobs

Atwater, California
A minor collection of nose art 
(and not nose art).


Thérèse said...

And usually retouching and restoration are not painful...
How fun!
Is it at the Pima Museum? I went there but years and years ago.

Brenda's Arizona said...

Therese, I think these are all taken at Castle Air Museum, in Atwater, California.
Here is their link:

Kathy said...

Before I saw your reply to Therese, I was thinking it must be some aeronautical display at Falcon Field! I kinda like the "Flight of the Phoenix."

Banjo52 said...

The movies never made them this clear. Thanks.

Pat Tillett said...

great pics! I like the simplicity of the last one. I think it's "Kilroy."