Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Roadside Distractions

 Imagine the stories lived in these buildings...

These ruins remind me of lost puppies...


MadSnapper n Beau said...

how on earth did you find so many of these old filling stations. i remember the day when they all were like this and e got SERVICE with the gas for free. these are wonderful.

Jo's World said...

I love old buildings too, I have photos of an old abandoned brick building that was once a home for old people, earlier poor house, this is in Wisconsin too. I will try and find it for you.

Cheers and Hugs,
Jo and Stella

How Sam Sees It said...

I would love to know the history behind those buildings too!


Ellen said...

Oh my gosh, I think the same thing too! When I come across these old empty buildings while we are traveling I always wonder what life was like when they were thriving.

RoeH said...

There's an old abandoned brick building going west out of Phoenix on the south side of the highway. I'd love to stop and hop that fence and wander around in it. Wonder what it was.

Banjo52 said...

I'm glad to hear other people wondering about such things! Maybe that's what road trips are for, to force us into wondering about other people and their landscapes. Great idea and great shots!

Unknown said...

these are really great!
And what stories they tell....

Kathy said...

Were some of these pictures taken in Glenrio, the little town that once straddled the Texas/New Mexico line up in the Texas Panhandle? Several of them look like buildings I saw and photographed on my road trip this past summer. They were along the old Route 66 which then got bypassed by the interstate highway system and the town of Glenrio actually just died!

Brenda's Arizona said...

Yes, Kathy, they are ALL Glenrio.
Not only did the town die, but Route 66 westward bound is not passable. There is a bridge out about 3 miles west of town. The highway is no longer a 'thru-fare' - you really have to want to go there.

Thérèse said...

I always wonder of what happened to the people who once lived there the day they left...

Thérèse said...

Brenda, the answer to your comment is here.