Friday, December 16, 2011

Last days on the road

The last days of a trip always go by in a blur. 
Even as a kid, I knew that. 
I'd tell myself "I have to soak in every site this one last time."
I'd think of my eye and set my pupils' aperture to f5.6, thinking that EVERY detail would be imprinted in my memories. 
Nothing could be left out.
Here are a few snaps of our last days on the road. The camera was snapping at everything...
Whether in a town or on the open road, everything deserves to be recorded.
These are mine...
until the next trip.


Rohrerbot said...

The best part is that you captured these images and can always go back to them and remember the fun you had. I can't wait for vacation to arrive. I'll be heading back to Wisconsin for a couple weeks. Your first pic of the bridge is exactly what I have in mind for my hikes. I want quiet times walking around on brown leaves alone. I'll only be to accomplish about half of that because my family will be with me during the other part:) 13 nephews and nieces...all little kids:(

Brenda's Arizona said...

Rohrebot, have fun! Hope Wisconsin is as fun for you as it was for us! And hiking... can I tag along?

Unknown said...

I love the foot bridge and recognize some of the places (the big Texan for one). Great trip!

Kathy said...

What a great slice of Americana you've captured. Some of these places I've seen, others I definitely want to see. But that may only happen through your camera's lens, and if that is the case, I'll be satisfied.

Anonymous said...

"I'd tell myself 'I have to soak in every site this one last time.'"

I wonder if you and I share this feeling because we moved so often in early life, or maybe everybody lines up and hammers in the same definitive posts in their memory.

What a great road trip. Can't beat that first photo, and the way it frames the road ahead.

MadSnapper n Beau said...

i would like to walk over that bridge, so beautiful. the old gas station brings back a lot of memories, thanks for trip by sofa

Pasadena Adjacent said...

Gallup - love Gallup

Unknown said...

I love the Signs, and the house, that is a beautiful house.

Banjo52 said...

You're making me want to get going.

That "bridge-in-progress" shot makes me realize I've had some fleeting notion about the oddness of a bridge that isn't one yet. I'm not sure if it's merely interesting or kinda creepy.