Wednesday, January 11, 2012


Word of the day:
the blur in the out of focus area in a photograph.
Bokeh occurs for parts of the scene that lie outside the depth of field .
My husband is the constant reader/student in this family. BOKEH is his word of the day. 
We are always learning here.
And 'bokehing'? It happens, too.


Pat Tillett said...

That's a new one for me! I like it a lot though. Especially so in photos like your second one where the background, although blurry is certainly an important part of the photo. Wild parrots in your area? Or are those love birds or something else?

Anonymous said...

E here:

It was a new word for me - I'm not even sure how to pronounce it! Is it like bouquet of flowers? Or more like "bow kuh", or perhaps "baa kuh". One of the troubles of being a reader.

One thing is, it looks even cooler with point light sources, like light bulbs, out of focus in the distance, but we don't have any pictures that show it well. They really do look like a "light bouquet".

Rohrerbot said...

And it's a new word for me today. That's cool. And where in the world did you get those shots of the parrots? Did you see them here??? And if so where? If they were in the wild, you are one lucky person. Wow!

Rohrerbot said...

Are those lovebirds?

Brenda's Arizona said...

Peach face love birds, I think, Chris. How was Wisconsin??

MadSnapper n Beau said...

I love bokeh shots and also the sweet little parrots hiding in the lovely bushes in the last photo

Elaine said...

I love that second photo! I've heard the term bokeh occasionally but really didn't know what it meant, but thanks to you now I do. I've been bokehing and didn't know it.

Barb said...

Yes, I like the Bokeh effect. I also like those colorful parrots.

Kathy said...

I see you've got some of those famous peach-faced lovebirds in your neighborhood. There was supposedly some in my area of Phoenix but I never saw them. Just pigeons and mourning doves is about all I ever had!

Unknown said...

a new word for me, but the effect is not and i find it to present something different in a marvelous way.

How Sam Sees It said...

That's the strangest word, isn't it? Do you know Sagira's Agility blog? They have a pup there named Bokeh!


Ysabelle said...

Wow, I love those pictures, you really had a nice place, it's very relaxing :D


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